Treasurer Wanted – can you help?

Treasurer (volunteer / trustee)

The SCCG is an ecumenical Scottish charity that works with partners in China, specialising in education and public health. This ranges from teacher training projects that support children with additional needs, to projects which help train medical staff involved in palliative and dementia care, neither of which are yet recognised specialisms in China.

We are a small charity, founded in 1983, which is funded entirely by charity grants and donations. The trustee group includes representatives from the main Christian denominations in Scotland. In addition to the trustee group, the SCCG has two very part-time paid posts: an Advisor (a coordinating & development role) 40 hours a month and a Website & Publicity Officer which is 12 hours a month.

The role of Treasurer entails an estimated maximum of five hours of work per month which includes processing a small number of payments, bookkeeping, and preparing reports and budgets for trustee meetings (which take place six times a year, currently by Zoom, but previously in Edinburgh city centre). In our constitution, the treasurer is also a trustee with full speaking and voting rights.

Further details about the role of treasurer and person specification are listed below. If you are interested in the work of the SCCG and this role, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Please contact: Rev Val Nellist (acting Treasurer)   Email:

Our Treasurer will:

  • Oversee the financial affairs of the SCCG (ensuring they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice);
  • Monitor and report on the financial health of the organisation;
  • Oversee the production of necessary financial reports/returns, accounts
    and audits;
  • Process receipts and payments including part-time salaries.


  • Knowledge and experience of current and fundraising finance practice relevant to voluntary and community organisations;
  • Knowledge of bookkeeping and financial management (as necessary);
  • Good financial analysis skills;
  • Ability to communicate clearly.